Installation Guide

HPCStats is only supported on GNU/Linux systems. The installation must be performed with root user.

From sources

HPCStats server

First, install Python packaging system setuptools on the system. It is probably available through the packaging system of your distribution. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu:

apt-get install python-setuptools

Then, download the source of HPCStats from the Git source code repository:


Then, extract the sources and run the following command to install HPCStats with all its dependencies:

python install

The command actually installs both HPCStats server component itself and all its Python modules dependencies.

Install PostgreSQL server. It is probably available through the packaging system of your distribution. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu:

apt-get install postgresql-server

Please note that HPCStats requires PostgreSQL version >= 9.0.

Create hpcstats system user. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu:

adduser --system hpcstats --no-create-home --shell=/bin/sh

The --shell=/bin/sh parameter is needed to run shell commands easily using this system user account.

Create the hpcstats PostgreSQL user/role and set its password:

su postgres -c 'createuser --no-createdb --no-superuser --no-createrole hpcstats'
su postgres -c "psql -c \"ALTER ROLE hpcstats WITH PASSWORD 'hpcstats';\""

Then, create the PostgreSQL database and set hpcstats as its owner:

su postgres -c 'createdb -O hpcstats hpcstatsdb'

Finally, create the tables and constraints of this database using the SQL script distributed with HPCStats source code:

su hpcstats -c "psql hpcstatsdb < db/hpcstats.psql"

HPCStats is then ready to be configured and run! Please refer to the dedicated Configuration section for all information about the configuration files of HPCStats.

For regular and automatic update of production data in HPCStats database, you may want to create a cronjob for automatically running HPCStats importer application for all clusters. Here is an example of such cronjob, in file /etc/cron.d/hpcstats:

0 5 * * * hpcstats hpcstats --batch-mode import --cluster=all

To receive the complete output of the cronjob runs by email, you can also set the MAILTO variable. You may need to configure the local MTA to relay emails to a external smart relay. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu, run:

dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config

HPCStats agents

FSUsage agent

To install the fsusage agent on a supercomputer login node, install the script:

install contribs/fsusage /usr/local/bin/fsusage

Install the configuration file:

mkdir /etc/hpcstats
install conf/fsusage.conf /etc/hpcstats/fsusage.conf

Install the cronjob, in file /etc/cron.d/hpcstats-fsusage, for example to run every nights at 1AM:

0 1 * * * hpcstats /usr/local/bin/fsusage

Finally, proceed with the FSUsage agent configuration.

Jobstats agent

To install the jobstats agent on a supercomputer login node, install the script:

install contribs/jobstats /usr/local/bin/jobstats

Install the configuration file:

mkdir /etc/hpcstats
install conf/jobstats.conf /etc/hpcstats/jobstats.conf

Finally, proceed with the JobStats agent configuration.

Jobstats launcher

To install the jobstats launcher on a supercomputer login node, install the script:

install contribs/launch-jobstats /usr/local/bin/launch-jobstats

Install the configuration file:

mkdir /etc/hpcstats
install conf/launcher.conf /etc/hpcstats/launcher.conf

Install the cronjob, in file /etc/cron.d/hpcstats-launcher, for example to run every nights at 1AM:

0 1 * * * hpcstats /usr/local/bin/launch-jobstats

Finally, proceed with the JobStats launcher configuration.

From Debian packages

HPCStats server

Once the HPCStats packages are hosted in your internal Debian repositories, installing HPCStats server is only a matter of:

apt-get install hpcstats

The package automatically creates the system user, the cronjob, the PostgreSQL user and the database. HPCStats is then ready to be configured and run! Please refer to the dedicated Configuration section for all information about the configuration files of HPCStats.

HPCStats agents

To install the fsusage agent on a supercomputer login node, just run:

apt-get install hpcstats-fsusage-agent

Then, you just have to proceed to the FSUsage agent configuration.

To install the jobstat agent on a supercomputer login node, just run:

apt-get install hpcstats-jobstat-agent

Then, you just have to proceed to the JobStats agent configuration.

To install the jobstat launcher on the HPCStats server, just run:

apt-get install hpcstats-jobstat-launcher

Then, you just have to proceed to the JobStats launcher configuration.