
Table of Contents

  1. Module Description
  2. Setup
  3. Usage
  4. Limitations
  5. Development

Module Description

Setup boot and install files served over HTTP

On a Scibian HPC cluster, the boot or install process needs to retrieve some resources through HTTP. This include:

The installer configuration uses a list of supported os, the default list only includes calibre9.

The module setup the files to serve, but the actual configuration of the web server (apache) is handled separatly.


Setup Requirements

This module uses stdlib and hpclib.

Beginning with boothttp

The basic configuration below configures a iPXE boot menu, a Debian (calibre) installer and redirect to a diskless boot.

The file should be provided in the cluster private files. The example below does not include the full preseed file. The preseed file should follow the format for the Debian version.

class { '::boothttp':
  $virtual_address     => 'clservice',
  $config_dir_http     => '/var/www_boot',
  $menu_config         => '/etc/hpc-config/bootmenu.yaml',
  $menu_source         => '',
  $menu_config_options => {
    'defaults' => {
      'domain'             => '',
      'kernel_opts'        => 'persistence formatcow nosmap',
      'cowsize'            =>  '2G',
      'dhcp_timeout'       => '120',
      'diskinstall_server' => 'clservice',
      'diskless_server'    => 'clp2p',
      'nameserver'         => '',
      'boot_os'            => 'calibre9_ram',
      'boot_dev'           => 'eth0',
      'console'            => 'ttyS0,115200n8',
      'disk_raid'          => '',
      'disk_format'        => '',
    'clservice[1-4],clp2p[1-2]' => {
      'boot_os'  => 'calibre9_disk',
      'boot_dev' => 'eth2',
      'console'  => 'ttyS1,115200n8',
      'ipxebin'  => 'ipxe_noserial.bin',
  $install_options     => {
    'calibre9' => {
      'd-i debian-installer/locale string'   => 'en_US.UTF-8',
      'd-i debian-installer/language string' => 'en',
      <..full debian preseed..>
  hpc_files => {
    '/var/www_boot/disk/calibre9/partition-schema' => {
      'source' => '',
    '/var/www_boot/disk/calibre9/hpc-config.conf' => {
      'source' =>'',
  archives => {
    '/var/www_boot/disk/calibre9/netboot.tar.gz' => {
      'source'       => '',
      'extract_path' => '/var/www_boot/disk/calibre9',


The install_options provides parameters for all installers, with preseed the data is used as-is in the preseed file. With kickstart files, the data is injected with a template.

The menu_config_options depends of the format that the boot menu uses.


The boot menu is not provided directly by this module, the module only provides option to deploy it.

This module is mainly tested on Debian, boothttp is not packaged on RHEL and derivatives.


Patches and issues can be submitted on GitHub: