
Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Limitations
  6. Development


Configure a DNS server (forward and authoritative) and system client.

Module Description

This module can install and configure a DNS server (bind) and configure clients.

Zones must be fully provided as a hash.


What dns affects

The client takes over defining the resolv.conf file.

The server sets up a Bind server.

Setup Requirements

This module uses stdlib.

Beginning with dns


On a client:

class { '::dns::client':
  domain      => "cluster.hpc.example.com",
  nameservers => [ '', '' ],

On a server: class { '::dns::server': config_options => { 'forwarders' => [ '', '' ], 'listen-on' => [ '', '', '' ], 'dnssec-validation' => 'no' }, zones => { "cluster.hpc.example.com" => { "type" => "master", "entries" => [ { "owner" => "@", "proto" => "IN", "type" => "NS", "data" => "cladmin1.cluster.hpc.example.com." }, { "owner" => "@", "proto" => "IN", "type" => "A", "data" => "" }, { "owner" => "cladmin1", "proto" => "IN", "type" => "A", "data" => "" } ] }, } }

On a real server, the zones hash must fully describe all forward and reverse zones. If the configuration is using hpc-config, it should use the function hpc_dns_zones from the hpclib module.

The server also supports a virtual_domain parameter to setup forward to a consul DNS interface.


This module is mainly tested on Debian, but is meant to also work with RHEL and derivatives.


Patches and issues can be submitted on GitHub: https://github.com/edf-hpc/puppet-hpc