
Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Limitations
  6. Development

Module Description

Install and configure NFS client or server, manages mount and exports.

The modules define a class for the server and one for the client. The module defines resources type that can be used to mount NFS exports on the client and to define new exports on the server.


Setup Requirements

This module uses the concat Puppet modules.

Beginning with nfs



  exportdir  => '/data',
  options    => 'rw,sync',


  server     => '',
  exportdir  => '/unix/',
  mountpoint => '/mnt/.nas',
  options    => 'sec=krb5,bg,rw,hard,timeo=20,vers=4',


Kerberos must be configured separatly (by the kerberos module) before starting the NFS service. You can request this module to load the gssd service though by setting enable_gssd to true.


For NFSv4 it is mandatory to have a working idmapd configuration, the most basic setup is for all the nodes to use the same idmapd domain.

By default, idmapd will use the local domain name (hostname -d). If you wish to override this setting you can add a idmapd_options:

class{ '::nfs':
  idmapd_options => {
    'General' => {
      'Domain' => {
        'comment' => 'Domain for the mapping',
        'value'   => '',


This module is mainly tested on Debian, but is meant to also work with RHEL and derivatives.


Patches and issues can be submitted on GitHub: