About this document
This document contains a generic description of an HPC system in terms of its architectural views.
Typographic conventions
The following typographic conventions are used in this document:
Files or directories names are written in italics: /admin/restricted/config-puppet.
Hostnames are written in bold: genbatch1.
Groups of hostnames are written using the nodeset syntax from clustershell. For example, genbatch[1-2] refers to the servers genbatch1 and genbatch2.
Commands, configuration files contents or source code files are set off visually from the surrounding text as shown below:
$ cp /etc/default/rcS /tmp
Build dependencies
On a Debian Jessie system, these packages must be installed to build this documentation:
edf-doc-materials >= 2.0
Copyright © 2014-2017 EDF S.A.
CCN-HPC <dsp-cspito-ccn-hpc@edf.fr>
This document is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the document under the terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL "http://www.cecill.info". As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the document's author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability. In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the document by the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the document's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security. The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
Full license terms and conditions can be found at http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2.1-en.html.
In alphabetical order:
Thomas HAMEL
Puppet-HPC is a full Puppet-based software stack designed to easily deploy HPC clusters. Puppet is a popular open-source configuration management tool. The main goal of Puppet-HPC is to provide a common generic configuration management system that can be used effortlessly across multiple HPC clusters and organizations.
The Puppet-HPC software stack notably provides:
Many generic Puppet modules for all technical components required on a HPC cluster.
Defined data model for representing the description of an HPC cluster based on Hiera.
Software patterns and code conventions conform to latest Puppet community standards.
Tools to easily deploy and manage the configuration with high-scalability requirements.
The Puppet-HPC software architecture clearly separates code from data. This way, the code can be generic while the data can provide all specific contextual information. This has many advantages:
The code base can be re-used and the development effort is shared.
The same code is run on many different environments, it is therefore more tested and more reliable.
The code can be easily tested on a small testing environment even if the data is different from the production environment.
All details about the software architecture of Puppet-HPC are documented in the Software Architecture chapter of this document.
Puppet-HPC is developed and actively maintained by the CCN-HPC (Centre de Compétences Nationales en High Performance Computing) of EDF (Électrité de France), one of the largest worldwide producers of electricity. The software is used to deploy and maintain the configuration of the largest HPC cluster in the company.
Puppet-HPC is open-source software and it is licensed under the terms of GPLv2+. Any external contribution is very welcome! It should be made under the form of a pull request or an issue creation on the project GitHub repository. Please refer to the Development Guidelines chapter for hints on doing awesome patches.
Software architecture
1. Pattern
Puppet-HPC is based on the three following tools and principles:
Facter is used to report per-node facts. Moreover, some facts specific to the HPC context are used to convey the global information about the cluster that needs to be known when running Puppet on a node. These facts are implemented in the
module. -
Hiera is used to look up data. This tool helps separating site-specific or cluster-specific data from Puppet code. Specific data are excluded from Puppet-HPC, being kept, versioned and maintained in a separate internal repository. The cluster description it contains should follow certain rules though. These rules are detailed below in the Cluster Definition part.
The Roles/Profiles pattern has been used to design the Puppet-HPC code. It is organized in different levels of abstraction:
Roles, which represent the business logic. A node includes one role, and one only. Each role lists one or more profiles.
Profiles, which represent the implementation of technical functionalities. A profile includes and manages modules to define a logical technical stack.
Modules, which are the elementary technical blocks. Modules should only be responsible for managing aspects of the component they are written for and should be as generic as possible.
Regarding the Roles/Profiles pattern, it is a common pattern in Puppet code organization. This pattern is explained in details in this presentation: https://puppet.com/presentations/designing-puppet-rolesprofiles-pattern
One of the interesting aspects of the Roles/Profiles pattern is that modules should be as generic as possible. Whenever it is possible, external community modules should be used. They should come from a reliable source: distribution package or the Puppet Forge. In any case, external community modules should be properly reviewed.
2. Hiera layers
Hiera is a software designed to manage a repository of data formatted in key/value pairs. The key is the parameter name. The values can be of various types: strings, numbers, booleans, hashes or arrays. Puppet-HPC requires to use the default Hiera YAML backend, therefore the data is stored in YAML files.
Hiera is able to look up data out of a hierarchy - hence its name - of layers
and manage overrides. This feature, combined with layers properly ordered by
genericity levels, allows to define a maximum number of parameters once for
multiple clusters and organization. The parameters are overridden in more
specialized layers only when necessary. The following diagram illustrates the
look up logic of a parameter foo
into an example of a simplified hierarchy:
The typical Hiera layers to use with Puppet-HPC are the following:
The common
layer is directly provided by Puppet-HPC with the YAML file
. The upper layers are specific to an organization or a
cluster, they must be defined in the internal repository
as it’s documented in the next section. Network data is separated
in a specific file (network.yaml
) only to keep the cluster YAML file readable.
The hierarchy (with all its layers) is setup in the hiera.yaml
configuration file.
An example of this file is provided with Puppet-HPC under the path
3. Internal repository
Puppet-HPC can not be used only on its own, it must be configured for a specific site and a specific cluster. It is recommended to work with an additional internal repository that will contain all specific data that can not be published on GitHub.
The content and structure of this internal repository is explained below:
contains any configuration file that needs to be stored internally and that can be used as it is in a cluster configuration. It can be, for example , SSL certificates, SSH host keys, etc. If the content of these files is sensitive, they should be encrypted. -
contains all the site-specific and cluster-specific data necessary to configure a cluster with Puppet-HPC. -
includes some Puppet configuration files to use with a specific cluster such aspuppet.conf
For each of these three directories, it is recommended to have a subdirectory per cluster being configured with Puppet-HPC.
4. External dependencies
Puppet-HPC provides a set of Puppet modules but also relies on some Puppet external community modules that can be considered as dependencies. The full list of these modules is:
It is also strongly recommended to install the eyaml utility in order to encrypt sensitive data (such as passwords) inside the Hiera YAML files.
5. Genericity levels
The use of the Roles/Profiles pattern enables to control the level of genericity of each element of a Puppet configuration code base. Here are the genericity levels defined for all the components in the Puppet-HPC project:
Roles: The code part of the roles is fully generic as it consists into one manifest (located under path
) which simply extract from Hiera the list of profiles included in the role. However, the name of the roles and the list of profiles are cluster specific due to technical properties of Puppet-HPC. This point is explained further in the roles section. -
Profiles are HPC specific and are highly related to the way Scibian HPC clusters are modeled. Nevertheless they can be reused from one cluster to the other. Their structure should follow the reference architecture defined in the Scibian HPC cluster installation guide.
Modules are fully generic. They support multiple distributions and can even be used outside of the HPC clusters context when relevant.
As stated in the Hiera layers section, the Hiera repository is composed of multiple layers of datasets ordered by genericity levels. Then, each layer of the hierarchy has it own genericity level depending on its specialization.
This diagram gives a quick glance summary of the genericity levels for each element of the Puppet-HPC stack:
6. Roles
As previously stated in the pattern section, a node has exactly one role representing its business logic, a role being nothing more than a set of profiles. By design, all machines sharing the same role have the same set of profiles. In other words, if it is necessary to apply a different set of profiles to different machines, they must have different roles
In Puppet-HPC, the node-to-role association is set using a custom fact
provided by the hpclib
module. The fact actually extracts the
role name out of the hostname of the node, using the following pattern:
is the prefix of the cluster name (as provided by Hiera), -
is the role name, -
is a set of consecutive digits.
For example, on a cluster whose prefix is foo
, the role names extracted from
the following hostnames are:
This fact is then used in the Hiera layers definitions to get a
role specific layer. The parameters values defined in this layer are specific to
the nodes having this role. This role specific layer of the Hiera repository is
primarily designed to set the list of profiles associated to the role, under the
generic profiles
parameter name. As example, here is a possible value of this
parameter in file <privatedata>/hieradata/<cluster_name>/roles/cn.yaml
profiles: - profiles::cluster::common - profiles::network::base - profiles::dns::client - profiles::access::base - profiles::ntp::client - profiles::ssmtp::client - profiles::jobsched::exec - profiles::openssh::server - profiles::environment::base - profiles::auth::client - profiles::metrics::collect_base - profiles::log::client
This parameter is extracted from the Hiera repository by the fully generic main
manifest of roles module puppet-config/cluster/roles/manifests/init.pp
class roles {
In order to work as expected, this mechanism has the following requirements:
All nodes must follow this naming convention.
The prefix of the cluster name must be set with
parameter at the cluster level in the Hiera repository. -
parameter must be defined at the role specific layer of the Hiera repository, for all the possible roles.
This diagram gives a summary of this node/role/profiles associations logic:
7. Cluster definition
Puppet-HPC defines a full data model to represent a cluster architecture and its main parameters. In order to integrate seemlessly with Puppet, the data model is based on Hiera YAML files. This data model is fully documented in this section.
7.1. Main shared parameters
Some parameters must be defined at the cluster level of the Hiera hierarchy. These variables are not associated to a unique profile and are aimed to be reused directly several times in Hiera or in puppet profiles.
: The complete name of the cluster. Can be used, for example, in the slurm configuration. -
: The prefix used for all the hostnames in the cluster. Generally it will be composed of 2 or 3 letters ("gen" for a cluster named "generic", for example). -
: The directory where all the files copied by Puppet on the machines are stored. These files can be encrypted or not. It can be a shared directory between all the nodes, or an http export if the hpclib::hpc_file resource is used. -
: The domain name used across all the machines. Used in particular by the bind module. -
: Array of user groups authorized to connect and submit jobs to the cluster. -
: General password used by the hpclib module to decrypt encrypted files before copying them on the machines. This variable is usually itself encrypted using e-yaml.
7.2. Network definitions
7.2.1. Topology
The network topology is defined at the cluster level of the Hiera hierarchy. This means it is common to all nodes.
## Network topology of the cluster net::administration::ipnetwork: '' net::administration::netmask: '' net::administration::prefix_length: '/21' net::administration::broadcast: '' net::lowlatency::ipnetwork: '' net::lowlatency::prefix_length: '/21' net::management::ipnetwork: '' net::management::netmask: '' net::management::broadcast: '' net_topology: 'wan': 'name': 'WAN' 'prefixes': 'wan' 'ipnetwork': '' 'netmask': '' 'prefix_length': '/24' 'gateway': '' 'broadcast': '' 'ip_range_start': '' 'ip_range_end': '' 'firewall_zone': 'wan' 'administration': 'name': 'ADM' 'prefixes': '' 'ipnetwork': '' 'netmask': '' 'prefix_length': '/21' 'gateway': '' 'broadcast': '' 'ip_range_start': '' 'ip_range_end': '' 'firewall_zone': 'clstr' 'pool0': 'ip_range_start': '' 'ip_range_end': '' 'pool1': # IP reserved for the discovery process 'ip_range_start': '' 'ip_range_end': '' 'lowlatency': 'name': 'IB' 'prefixes': 'ib' 'ipnetwork': '' 'netmask': '' 'prefix_length': '/21' 'gateway': '' 'broadcast': '' 'ip_range_start': '' 'ip_range_end': '' 'firewall_zone': 'clstr' 'management': 'name': 'MGT' 'prefixes': 'mgt' 'ipnetwork': '' 'netmask': '' 'prefix_length': '/20' 'gateway': '' 'broadcast': '' 'ip_range_start': '' 'ip_range_end': '' 'firewall_zone': 'clstr' 'bmc': 'name': 'BMC' 'prefixes': 'bmc' 'ipnetwork': '' 'netmask': '' 'prefix_length': '/21' 'gateway': '' 'broadcast': '' 'ip_range_start': '' 'ip_range_end': '' 'firewall_zone': 'clstr'
The bmc
network connects all the management cards (bmc, imm, etc …). The
network connects the servers who must access these management
devices. That is the reason why they share an IP networks settings and ranges.
7.2.2. Bonding
Some network interfaces are bonded together for load balancing and high availability. The bonding definition is done in Hiera. If the bonding is uniform (i.e. same bond interface on same slave interfaces) between nodes, this can be done at the cluster level. In case of differences between nodes, it must be done higher in the hierarchy (role or node).
network::bonding_options: 'bond0': 'slaves': - 'eth0' - 'eth1' 'options': 'mode=active-backup primary=eth0' 'bond1': 'slaves': - 'eth2' - 'eth3' 'options': 'mode=active-backup primary=eth2'
This variable from Hiera uses Auto Lookup to be passed to the network
7.2.3. Bridges
When using a machine as a physical host for VMs, it is often necessary to
setup bridge interfaces. These bridge interfaces will be configured in the
hash with the right IP addresses. The physical device will be
added automatically without an IP address. It is possible to create a bridge
above a bonding interface.
network::bridge_options: 'br0': 'ports': - 'bond0' 'description': 'Administration network bridge.' 'br2': 'ports': - 'bond2' 'description': 'WAN network bridge'
7.3. Node definitions
7.3.1. Master Network
Nodes are listed in a Hiera hash called master_network
. It must be defined
at the at the cluster level of the Hiera hierarchy, but for readability
reasons it is in a separate network.yaml
Each key defines one node and its network configuration. Each node is described
by a hash containing its fully qualified hostname and the networks attached to
it. Each network must have a name corresponding to the ones used in the
hash described in the topology section.
These values can be defined for each network:
MAC address (
): The MAC address of the physical device connected to the network. It is used to build the dhcpd server configuration. -
Interface device (
): The device where the configuration must be applied, this means that with a bonded interface, the configuration must be applied on thebond
interface. So it is not necessary that the physical interface is attached to the MAC address quoted above. The interfaces enslaved to thebond
interfaces can be omitted from this configuration. -
Hostname (
): The hostname of the machine on the considered network. -
IPv4 Address (
): The IPv4 address of the machine on the considered network. The netmask comes from thenet_topology
variable. -
External config (or not) : External configuration means the interface is configured on the system but should not be setup by the Puppet-HPC configuration. It is useful if another subsystem sets up the network interface: VPN, libvirt… On Debian, it means the interface is not added to
. This boolean can take the valuetrue
and is consideredfalse
if omitted
master_network: genmisc1: fqdn: 'genmisc1.somedomain' networks: administration: 'DHCP_MAC': '52:54:00:ba:9d:ac' 'IP': '' 'device': 'bond0' 'hostname': 'genmisc1' lowlatency: 'IP': '' 'device': 'ib0' 'hostname': 'llgenmisc1' management: 'IP': '' 'device': 'bond0' 'hostname': 'mgtgenmisc1' bmc: 'DHCP_MAC': '40:F2:E9:CD:53:CE' 'IP': '' 'hostname': 'bmcgenmisc1' wan: 'IP': '' 'device': 'bond1' 'hostname': 'extgenmisc1'
This example defines one node (genmisc1
) with the following
Network configuration on the node
External Config:false
External Config:false
External Config:false
DNS and Hosts
All lists are optional, so it is possible to define an element that just defines a Host/DNS configuration (for virtual IP addresses for instance):
master_network: genmisc: fqdn: 'genmisc.somedomain' networks: administration: 'IP': '' 'hostname': 'genmisc' management: 'IP': '' 'hostname': 'mgtgenmisc' wan: 'IP': '' 'hostname': 'extgenmisc'
8. Deployment
Scibian clusters use a simple puppet apply command with a set of modules, manifests and data. Puppet-HPC is not designed to work in a traditional "Puppet server" environment, as it must be used in a very simple system environment, like a post installation script inside Debian Installer.
8.1. Push and apply scripts
Two tools have been developed in order to apply the puppet-hpc configuration on the nodes of a cluster. One of the tools, "push" the entire configuration (modules, Hiera data, files) in a shared space, and another one is aimed to apply the configuration on the nodes.
8.1.1. hpc-config-push
This script merge all the data necessary to apply the puppet configuration in one archive and push it into a shared storage:
Puppet modules installed in operating system via packages
Puppet modules from the puppet_hpc git repository, including profiles
Optionally other puppet modules
Configuration files for Puppet and Hiera
YAML files for Hiera: generic ones from puppet-hpc git repository and specific ones from the internal repository
Files to copy on nodes from the internal repository
Two methods can be used to push the data: * posix: simply copies the tarball into a shared directory on all nodes (a nfs export, for example) * s3: uses the Amazon S3 RESTful API to send data on a compatible storage (Ceph Rados Gateway, for example)
The script can manage several
Puppet environments
with the -e, --environment
parameter. A default environment can be defined in
the configuration file.
The file /etc/hpc-config/push.conf
allows to configure all the options for
this script.
Please refer to hpc-config-push(1)
man page
for full usage documentation.
8.1.2. hpc-config-apply
This downloads the Puppet configuration (modules and hieradata)
as a tarball and installs it as an environment in /etc/puppet
. Private data
files are not downloaded with the configuration, instead they are available
from the central storage and are directly downloaded from the Puppet
If eyaml is used, this script needs a source to download the keys used to
encrypt and decrypt data.
The command puppet apply
is executed afterward with the environment
previously untarred.
The configuration file indicating where to download the files is located in /etc/hpc-config.conf.
Please refer to hpc-config-apply(1)
man page
for full usage documentation.
8.2. Packages
These two scripts are provided in the Scibian distribution as Debian packages:
9. Sensitive data encryption
The configuration of an HPC cluster is necessarily composed of various sensitive data: passwords, keys, sensitive parameters and so on. These data must not be published in a clear state into SCM repositories potentially available to third parties, in which case the security of the cluster and the organization would not be ensured. On the other hand, it is convenient to save these data into SCM repositories since changes are tracked and rollbacks are possible. The Puppet-HPC stack provides a cryptography model to encrypt the sensitive data and securily save them in the internal SCM repository.
9.1. Encryption keys
There are 2 encryption keys involved in Puppet-HPC :
an asymmetric PKCS7 key pair for encrypting values in the cluster-specific layers of the Hiera repository, based on the Eyaml software.
a symmetric AES key for encrypting files. The encrypted files are stored into the directory named
of the internal repository. This key is used in combination with the claraenc
plugin for managing encrypted files.
These keys are specific to a cluster, each cluster has its own set of encryption keys. The keys must be generated at the beginning of the cluster installation.
Since these keys protect all the sensitive data of a cluster, they must be very securely manipulated themselves. They are mutually encrypted before being saved into the internal SCM repository, as shown in this illustration:
The AES key is published in the cluster-specific layer of the Hiera repository
with parameter cluster_decrypted_password
, encrypted with eyaml PKCS7 public
key. A tarball keys.tar.xz
with eyaml PKCS7 private and public keys is built
and encrypted with the AES key. This encrypted tarball is published in the
directory files
of the internal repository.
9.2. Key propagation service
When running on a node, Puppet-HPC needs to extract many encrypted parameters from the Hiera repository. The eyaml PKCS7 private key is required to decrypt these parameters. A key propogation service is in charge of securely distributing this sensitive key to the nodes on the network. The following diagram represents the deployment process of the eyaml keys using this propagation service:
On the node, the keys are gathered by the hpc-config-apply
utility at the
early stage of its run, in the form of a decrypted tarball containing the eyaml
PKCS7 keys. The script is alternatively able to access the keys from a POSIX
filesystem, this is notably used during the keys
bootstrap procedure but not intended afterwhile. Its primary use mode is to
download the tarball from the key propagation service.
Technically speaking, this service is an HTTP server listening on a specific TCP port. This HTTP server only serves a decrypted version of the tarball containing the eyaml PKCS7 keys. This HTTP server is tightly coupled to a firewall which ensures incoming requests respect the following rules:
Received on the network interface attached to the cluster internal administration network.
TCP source port is strictly less than 1024, to make sure it is sent by a process run by root superuser.
The utility hpc-config-apply
explicitely sets the source TCP port of its
outgoing connection to meet the requirements and respect both conditions.
The tarball content is then extracted to standard eyaml configuration paths before running Puppet, so that eyaml library can decrypt Hiera parameters transparently on the nodes.
The encrypted tarball located in the files
directory is actually used only to
deploy this key propogation service. After the initial keys bootstrap, the other nodes expect this key propogation service to be
available to download the eyaml keys.
9.3. Sensitive files decryption
This diagram illustrates the deployment process of the encrypted files on the nodes:
The profiles and the generic modules expect to find the AES file encryption key
in Hiera under the parameter name cluster_decrypt_password
and the URI to the
encrypted file in the directory files
of the internal repository. As
previously stated in the Encryption keys section, this AES
key is encrypted with PKCS7 keys. It is therefore decrypted on-the-fly by the
eyaml library.
The generic modules call the decrypt()
function of the hpclib
module. This
function downloads the file at the URI provided in parameter and decrypts it
with the given key. With Puppet-HPC, all private files are supposed to be
located in the private_files_dir
, as documented in the main
shared parameters section. The decrypt()
function internally calls
the hpc_source_file()
function of the same module which supports
URI schemes on either HTTP(s) servers or POSIX file systems.
9.4. Bootstrap procedure
This section document the steps to follow in order to bootstrap Puppet-HPC encryption mechanisms and deploy the first keys propogation service on a new cluster.
First, generate eyaml PKCS7 key pair:
# mkdir /etc/puppet/secure # cd /etc/puppet/secure/ # eyaml createkeys [hiera-eyaml-core] Created key directory: ./keys Keys created OK # chown -R puppet:puppet /etc/puppet/secure/keys # chmod -R 0500 /etc/puppet/secure/keys # chmod 0400 /etc/puppet/secure/keys/*.pem
Generate random 256 bits AES key:
# openssl rand -base64 32
The output of this command must be set in cluster_decrypted_password
to the
cluster layer of the Hiera repository:
# eyaml edit hieradata/<cluster>/cluster.eyaml
Add the following content:
cluster_decrypt_password: DEC::PKCS7[<AES KEY>]!
is the random 256 bits key.
Generate a temporary tarball of the eyaml PKCS7 keys, encode it with openssl
and add it to the files
directory of the internal repository:
# cd /etc/puppet/secure # tar cJf /tmp/keys.tar.xz keys # mkdir -p <internal repository>/files/<cluster>/eyaml # cd <internal repository>/files/<cluster>/eyaml # openssl aes-256-cbc -in /tmp/keys.tar.xz -out keys.tar.xz.enc -k <AES KEY>
<internal repository>
is the directory that contains the clone of the internal repository. -
is the name of the cluster. -
is the random 256 bits key.
At this stage, all keys are now stored encrypted in the internal repository and the PKCS7 are available locally in the standard eyaml paths.
The key propagation service is not available on the network yet. The
utility can run with an alternate key_source
to configure
the first key propagation service:
# hpc-config-apply --keys-source=file:///tmp
Once the first key propagation service is available on the cluster administration network, the temporary decrypted tarball must be removed:
# rm /tmp/keys.tar.xz
Finally, the hpc-config-apply
utility can run with its default configuration:
# hpc-config-apply
Starting from this point, there must always be at least one key propagation service available on the network for Puppet to run properly.
Development Guidelines
This chapter gives some guidelines to help contributing to Puppet-HPC source code development. Additionally to these guidelines, this chapter also set some rules to follow, in order to make sure the code base stay consistent in the long term.
Puppetlabs, the company who maintain Puppet software, provides a reference style guide available online at this URL: https://docs.puppet.com/guides/style_guide.html
Puppet-HPC source code must respect the conventions defined in this reference style guide. All the guidelines defined in this chapter aim to be complementary to this reference style guide. In case of conflict between the 2 documents, the rules published in the reference style guide take precedence over the rules defined in this chapter.
All portions of code that do not fully respect those rules must be considered as bugs and must be tracked as such.
1. Main rules
There are few goals and principles that rule the overall architecture of Puppet-HPC code base:
Wise genericity: respect genericity goals but stay practical.
Simple profiles: only parameters that could not be defined in other layers of the stack.
Minimized hieradata: only useful parameters defined at the right level.
Convention over configuration: prefer clearly defined conventions and specifications rather than systematic configurability and overridability.
The following sections fully explain in details how to achieve those principles in every components of the stack.
2. Directories structure
The sources root directories contains the following sub-directories:
: examples configuration files of the scripts -
: Debian packaging related files -
: sources of the documentation -
: examples of code for reference and learning purposes -
: common down-most level of hieradata -
: init system configuration files for the scripts -
: all Puppet manifests-
: definitions of profiles -
: core manifests with nodes definitions -
: generic modules
: deployment scripts
3. Language settings
The Puppet-HPC configuration uses the parser from Puppet < 4 (not the future
parser). Modules must not use constructs that are only available with the
parser from Puppet 4 (ex: foreach
). Compatibility with the future parser
is encouraged though.
It is assumed that the manifest will be applied with the following setting in
This setting permits facts to define advanced data structures such as hashes and arrays.
4. Hieradata
The hieradata is a database of parameters. As stated in the Hieradata levels section of the software architecture chapter, the hieradata is a stack of levels, each upper level being more specific to a smaller context. The parameters must always be defined at the lowest possible level of the stack (ie. the most generic). Obviously, if the parameter is defined in files below the cluster specific files, the parameter does not have to be duplicated from cluster to cluster and the cluster configuration is simpler.
There are multiple types of parameters in Hiera. In the first sub-section, the various types are defined. Then, all details and rules for each type are given.
4.1. Parameter types
The hieradata contains many parameters that can classified into four main categories:
shared parameters: generic parameters used in several places accross hieradata, facts, functions and profiles.
simple parameters: parameters dedicated to a module or a profile.
advanced parameters: complex structures providing either a set of configuration settings or resources definitions to a profile.
The following schema represents how these various types of parameters can be used inside Puppet-HPC:
Full details are given in the following sub-sections.
4.2. Shared parameters
Shared parameters are generic parameters that are used several times in hieradata (using interpolation), custom facts, custom parser functions and profiles. The shared parameters should be used wisely. They should be used only where relevant to avoid clear duplication of data.
Their value must either be a string or an integer.
The shared parameters names can only contain letters and underscores. Ex:
All shared parameters required by Puppet-HPC must be defined in the common
down most level of hieradata. Some shared parameter cannot have a sane default
value at this level though, eg. the domain name. In this case, the value
must clearly state it is wrong (ex: FROM_COMMON_LVL_CHANGEME
). This way,
users can easily spot them and clearly figure out they must be overridden in
upper levels of their private hieradata.
4.3. Simple parameters
Strictly speaking, simple parameters are all parameters that are not of the other types of parameters (ie: shared parameters, configuration set or resource definition).
Their value can be of any type: string, integer, boolean, array or hash.
A simple parameter must either be:
a module public class auto-lookup parameter,
or a profile parameter.
A module parameter must not be imported by a profile.
Module parameters names are necessarily prefixed by the public class, this is
requirement for hiera. For example, the parameter opt of the public class
must be named soft::server::opt
. Profiles parameters rules are
given in the profiles section.
4.4. Advanced parameters
Advanced parameters provide either provide a set of configuration settings or resource definitions.
Their value must either be a hash or an array.
Configuration sets must be imported by profiles using the hiera function
. Unlike the hiera()
function or hiera
autoloopkups, these functions can merge the elements coming from multiple levels
of the hieradata. This is really convenient because all the configuration
settings can be defined at their highest level of genericity in the hieradata
stack. This way, most settings can be defined once for several clusters and the
cluster specific hieradata levels only contain the cluster specific values.
This behaviour is illustrated in the following schema:
4.5. Interpolation
Hiera support internal interpolation of parameters. This feature is really useful to help factorizing many settings. Its usage is definitely recommended in Puppet-HPC but it must be limited to the following parameters:
Shared parameters,
Standard facts,
hpclib custom facts.
This implies it is not allowed to interpolate profile or module autoloopkup parameters. For example, this is considered safe:
shared_parameter: value
profiles::soft::param: "%{hiera('shared_parameter')}"
However, the following two examples are considered unsafe in Puppet-HPC:
soft::param: value
profiles::soft::param: "%{hiera('soft::param')}"
profiles::soft::param: value
soft::param: "%{hiera('profiles::soft::param')}"
5. Modules
5.1. Dependencies
Puppet-HPC internal modules must be fully autonomous and must not depend to any
other module except on the stdlib
external community module, hpclib and systemd
internal modules. These modules do not manage real resources (excepting the
public class). They mostly provide a set of usefull functions, facts
and defined types. Therefore, they can safely be considered as libraries for the
other modules.
The special hpc_*
internal modules are also exceptions: they can depend on
one (and only one) other external community module (ex: hpc_ha
depends on
). Those modules are actually wrappers over other external
community modules in order to give an high-level interface both more practical
and specialized for the HPC clusters specific needs to the profiles without
modifying the structure of the underlying module.
5.2. Classes inheritance
Modules are notably composed of a set of manifests containing classes. There are two types of classes:
public classes: these classes can be called by the profiles and can receive arguments.
private classes: these classes are called only by other classes from the same module. Generally, the private classes do not receive arguments as they inherit the public classes and get access to all their variables this way.
There must be a private class params
for each public class. For example,
there must be a private software::params
private class for a software
public class. The params
private class defines the default values of the
public class parameters, including its arguments. A public class must inherit
of its corresponding params
A public class should not manage any resource by itself. The resources must be delegated to the private sub-classes. The resources must be grouped by sequentials deployment steps. A step must be managed by a specific private class. The common steps are:
install: install packages and files (including directories) required by the technical component.
config: manage the configuration parameters of the technical component.
service: manage the service of the technical component.
This list is not exhaustive and can be adapted to specific cases.
There is generally some confusions to define whether some files are part of the
install or the config step. Considering the software component follow
main rules of the FHS, a file under |
Each step must be managed by a specific private class. For example,
, software::config
and software::service
. These private
classes must be called sequentially by the public class, using ordering arrows
delimited by anchors. Please refer to modules examples
section for full examples.
5.3. Parameters
5.3.1. Classification
Modules are controlled by a large set of parameters which defines their behavior, resources settings, paths and so on. Each parameter is a variable defined in a public class of a module.
There are two levels of parameters visibility:
public parameters whose values can be set by Hiera auto-lookup or by profiles through the arguments.
private parameters which are defined in the public class of the module. These parameters generally store the result of a function from
modules based on the values of some other public parameters. The variable name of these parameters must be prefixed by an underscore_
There are two categories of parameters:
activation parameters, detailed further in the following sub-section.
data parameters. As their name suggest, they provide data the public class in order to control resources content and metadata. Many conventions have been defined for data parameters, detailed in the data parameters conventions sub-section.
5.3.2. Activation parameters
All public classes must have an activation parameter for each deployment step.
These parameters must be named <step>_manage
where <step> is replaced by
the name of the step. For example, if a public class has 3 deployment steps
, service
and config
, there must be the following 3 public
activation parameters:
If the public class also manages packages, typically within the install step,
there must also be a packages_manage
These parameters are all booleans.
The activation parameter control the deployment steps activation ie. whether the resources of the corresponding step are actually managed by the public class or not.
5.3.3. Data parameters conventions
Data parameters are basically all other parameters except activation parameters. As previously stated in the classification sub-section, the data parameters hold the content and meta-parameters of the resources. Many data parameters are actually quite similar across modules. For these recurring parameters, several name and type conventions have been defined in Puppet-HPC.
For install
(array) is the list of packages to install. -
(string) is the expected state of the packages. Ex: latest or installed.
For service
(string) is the name of the managed service. -
(string) is the expected state of the service. Ex: running or stopped. -
(boolean) defines if the service start at boot time.
For config
step, where <file>
is replaced by the a symbolic name
representing the nature of the file (ex: config
(string), absolute file path of the file on the target system. -
(hash), content of a configuration file with all its sections, parameters and values. This hash is typically processed by thehpclib::print_config()
function. -
(string), URL of encrypted source of the file, typically processed with thehpclib::decrypt()
function. -
(string), absolute path to the configuration file path of the init-system service script or description file. ex:/etc/default/service
. -
(hash), content of thedefault_file
5.3.4. Type checking
Parameters types must be checked at the beginning of public classes code using
functions of the stdlib module. The tests of parameters types
must be conditioned by the activation parameters of the steps they are involved.
For example, the packages
parameter type must be checked only if
parameter is true.
5.4. Arguments
Public classes accept arguments. There must be arguments for every public
parameters of a public class. The values of these arguments must default to the
variables inherited from the corresponding params
class, with 2 exceptions:
When there is no sane possible default value, typically for security reasons (ex: password) or because it highly depends on the context (ex: network domain). In this case, the arguments must be placed in first positions in the arguments lists.
For configuration structures. It is generally useful to combine settings given in arguments by profiles and default settings coming from the
class usingmerge()
functions from the stdlib module. This way, it becomes unnecessary to define all the parameters in the structure in argument, the profile can simply gives to parameters to add or to override in the defaults. In this case, the default values must of the argument be an empty hash or an empty array, depending its type.
5.5. Examples
This section contains two full examples of puppet module, one simple module with one public class and another complex modules with two public classes.
5.5.1. Simple example
The simple module simply install packages and launch a service. The private
class simple::config
is a no-op.
File README.md
# simple
#### Table of Contents
1. [Module Description](#module-description)
2. [Setup](#setup)
* [What simple affects](#what-simple-affects)
* [Setup requirements](#setup-requirements)
* [Beginning with simple](#beginning-with-simple)
3. [Usage](#usage)
4. [Limitations](#limitations)
5. [Development](#development)
## Module Description
The module deploys simple stuff.
## Setup
### What simple affects
The module installs simple software with its configuration file and manages its
### Setup Requirements
### Beginning with simple
## Usage
The simple module has only one public class named `simple`. It can be easily
instanciated with its defaults argument:
include ::simple
## Limitations
This module is mainly tested on Debian, but is meant to also work with RHEL and
## Development
Patches and issues can be submitted on GitHub:
File init.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# Deploys simple stuff.
# @param install_manage Public class manages the installation (default: true)
# @param packages Array of packages to install (default:
# ['simple-package'])
# @param packages_manage Public class installs the packages (default: true)
# @param packages_ensure Target state for the packages (default: 'latest')
# @param service_manage Public class manages the service state (default: true)
# @param service_name Name of the service to manage (default:
# 'simple-service')
# @param service_ensure Target state for the service (default: 'running')
# @param service_enable The service starts at boot time (default: true)
# @param config_manage Public class manages the configuration (default: true)
class simple (
$install_manage = $::simple::params::install_manage,
$packages_manage = $::simple::params::packages_manage,
$packages = $::simple::params::packages,
$packages_ensure = $::simple::params::packages_ensure,
$service_manage = $::simple::params::service_manage,
$service_name = $::simple::params::service_name,
$service_ensure = $::simple::params::service_ensure,
$service_enable = $::simple::params::service_enable,
$config_manage = $::simple::params::config_manage,
) inherits simple::params {
if $install_manage and $packages_manage {
if $service_manage {
anchor { 'simple::begin': } ->
class { '::simple::install': } ->
class { '::simple::config': } ->
class { '::simple::service': } ->
anchor { 'simple::end': }
File params.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class simple::params {
$install_manage = true
$packages_manage = true
$packages = ['simple-package']
$packages_ensure = 'latest'
$service_manage = true
$service_name = 'simple-service'
$service_ensure = 'running'
$service_enable = true
$config_manage = true
File install.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class simple::install inherits consul {
if $::simple::install_manage {
if $::simple::packages_manage {
package { $::simple::packages:
ensure => $::simple::packages_ensure,
File config.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class simple::config inherits simple {
if $::simple::config_manage {
notice("nothing to configure in this example simple module")
File service.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class simple::service inherits simple {
if $::simple::service_manage {
service { $::simple::service_name:
ensure => $::simple::service_ensure,
enable => $::simple::service_enable,
5.5.2. Complex example
The complex module has two public classes: complex::client
. There is not init.pp
manifest file but there are instead
manifests files for each public class. The privates classes are defined in
manifests located inside a the sub-directory of their respective public class.
Ex: complex::server::install
private class associated to complex::server
public class is defined in install.pp
manifest inside server
File README.md
# complex
#### Table of Contents
1. [Module Description](#module-description)
2. [Setup](#setup)
* [What complex affects](#what-complex-affects)
* [Setup requirements](#setup-requirements)
* [Beginning with complex](#beginning-with-complex)
3. [Usage](#usage)
4. [Limitations](#limitations)
5. [Development](#development)
## Module Description
The module deploys complex client and server.
## Setup
### What complex affects
The module installs complex software in both client and server modes. It manages
the configuration files and server service.
### Setup Requirements
The module depends on:
* `stdlib` module (for `deep_merge()` function),
* `hpclib` module (for `print_config()` function).
### Beginning with complex
## Usage
The complex module has two public classes:
* `complex::client`
* `complex::server`
As their name suggest, they respectively manage the client and server parts of
complex software.
The client public class expects a password:
class { '::complex::client':
password => 'CHANGEME',
The server public class mainly expects a partial configuration options hashes
and a password:
class { '::complex::server':
config_options => {
'section1' => {
'param1' => 'value7',
'param2' => 'value8',
'section3' => {
'param5' => 'value5',
'param6' => 'value6',
password => 'CHANGEME',
The `config_options` hash is deep-merged (using `stdlib` `deep_merge()`
function) with the default hash from manifest `server::params.pp`. Ideally, the
hash given in argument should only contain the difference with the default hash.
The default hash value is:
$config_options = {
'section1' => {
'param1' => 'value1',
'param2' => 'value2',
'section2' => {
'param3' => 'value3',
'param4' => 'value4',
After the deep merge, the resulting hash is:
$config_options = {
'section1' => {
'param1' => 'value7',
'param2' => 'value8',
'section2' => {
'param3' => 'value3',
'param4' => 'value4',
'section3' => {
'param5' => 'value5',
'param6' => 'value6',
## Limitations
This module is mainly tested on Debian, but is meant to also work with RHEL and
## Development
Patches and issues can be submitted on GitHub:
File client.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# Deploys complex client stuff.
# @param install_manage Public class manages the installation (default: true)
# @param packages_manage Public class installs the packages (default: true)
# @param packages Array of packages to install (default:
# ['complex-client-package'])
# @param packages_ensure Target state for the packages (default: 'latest')
# @param config_manage Public class manages the configuration (default: true)
# @param config_file Absolute path to client configuration file (default:
# '/etc/complex/client.conf')
# @param user Name of client system user (default:
# 'complex-client-user')
# @param password Client password (no default)
class complex::client (
$install_manage = $::complex::client::params::install_manage,
$packages_manage = $::complex::client::params::packages_manage,
$packages = $::complex::client::params::packages,
$packages_ensure = $::complex::client::params::packages_ensure,
$config_manage = $::complex::client::params::config_manage,
$config_file = $::complex::client::params::config_file,
$user = $::complex::client::params::user,
) inherits complex::client::params {
if $install_manage and $packages_manage {
if $install_manage or $config_manage {
if $config_manage {
anchor { 'complex::client::begin': } ->
class { '::complex::client::install': } ->
class { '::complex::client::config': } ->
anchor { 'complex::client::end': }
File client/params.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class complex::client::params {
$install_manage = true
$packages_manage = true
$packages = ['complex-client-package']
$packages_ensure = 'latest'
$config_manage = true
$config_file = '/etc/complex/client.conf'
$user = 'complex-client-user'
# There is not any sane and secure possible default values for the following
# params so it is better to not define them in this class.
# $password
File client/install.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class complex::client::install inherits complex::client {
if $::complex::client::install_manage {
if $::complex::client::packages_manage {
package { $::complex::client::packages:
ensure => $::complex::client::packages_ensure,
File client/config.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class complex::client::config inherits complex::client {
if $::complex::client::config_manage {
file { $::complex::client::config_file:
content => template('complex/client.erb'),
owner => $::complex::client::user,
group => $::complex::client::user,
mode => 0600,
File server.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# Deploys complex server stuff.
# @param install_manage Public class manages the installation (default: true)
# @param packages_manage Public class installs the packages (default: true)
# @param packages Array of packages to install (default:
# ['complex-server-package'])
# @param packages_ensure Target state for the packages (default: 'latest')
# @param service_manage Public class manages the service state (default: true)
# @param service_name Name of the service to manage (default:
# 'complex-server-service')
# @param service_ensure Target state for the service (default: 'running')
# @param service_enable The service starts at boot time (default: true)
# @param config_manage Public class manages the configuration (default: true)
# @param config_file Absolute path to server configuration file (default:
# '/etc/complex/server.conf')
# @param config_options Hash of configuration default overrides (default: {})
# @param user Name of server system user (default:
# 'complex-server-user')
# @param password Server password (no default)
class complex::server (
$install_manage = $::complex::server::params::install_manage,
$packages_manage = $::complex::server::params::packages_manage,
$packages = $::complex::server::params::packages,
$packages_ensure = $::complex::server::params::packages_ensure,
$service_manage = $::complex::server::params::service_manage,
$service_name = $::complex::server::params::service_name,
$service_ensure = $::complex::server::params::service_ensure,
$service_enable = $::complex::server::params::service_enable,
$config_manage = $::complex::server::params::config_manage,
$config_file = $::complex::server::params::config_file,
$config_options = {},
$user = $::complex::server::params::user,
) inherits complex::server::params {
if $install_manage and $packages_manage {
if $service_manage {
if $install_manage or $config_manage {
if $config_manage {
$_config_options = deep_merge(
anchor { 'complex::server::begin': } ->
class { '::complex::server::install': } ->
class { '::complex::server::config': } ->
class { '::complex::server::service': } ->
anchor { 'complex::server::end': }
# config change must notify service
Class['::complex::server::config'] ~> Class['::complex::server::service']
File server/params.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class complex::server::params {
$install_manage = true
$packages_manage = true
$packages = ['complex-server-package']
$packages_ensure = 'latest'
$service_manage = true
$service_name = 'complex-server-service'
$service_ensure = 'running'
$service_enable = true
$config_manage = true
$config_file = '/etc/complex/server.conf'
$config_options = {
'section1' => {
'param1' => 'value1',
'param2' => 'value2',
'section2' => {
'param3' => 'value3',
'param4' => 'value4',
$user = 'complex-server-user'
# There is not any sane and secure possible default values for the following
# params so it is better to not define them in this class.
# $password
File server/install.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class complex::server::install inherits complex::server {
if $::complex::server::install_manage {
if $::complex::server::packages_manage {
package { $::complex::server::packages:
ensure => $::complex::server::packages_ensure,
File server/config.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class complex::server::config inherits complex::server {
if $::complex::server::config_manage {
hpclib::print_config{ $::complex::server::config_file:
style => 'keyval',
data => $::complex::server::::_config_options,
File server/service.pp
# Puppet configuration file #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 EDF S.A. #
# Contact: CCN-HPC <dsp-cspit-ccn-hpc@edf.fr> #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute in and/or #
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, #
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
class complex::server::service inherits complex::server {
if $::complex::server::service_manage {
service { $::complex::server::service_name:
ensure => $::complex::server::service_ensure,
enable => $::complex::server::service_enable,
6. Profiles
Profiles instantiate modules public classes. Optionally, they can provide a set of arguments to the public classes.
Technically speaking, profiles are Puppet classes defined in manifests grouped
into one profiles module just like classic generic modules. It is possible to
define arbitrary levels of sub-classes but classes inheritances must be avoided
between profiles classes for the sake of clearness and simplicity. For example,
the profiles classes profiles::soft::server
and profiles::soft::client
be defined but they cannot inherit from an hypothetical parent profiles::soft
As previously stated in the main rules, the profiles must stay as simple as possible: they should only manipulate parameters that have to be manipulated at this layer of the stack. It includes the following parameters:
Results of
calls on advanced parameters, for the reasons explained in the advanced parameters section. -
Results of stdlib and hpclib function calls because Puppet functions cannot be called directly in hiera.
Results of
functions when multiple profiles provide different argument values to the same module public class (case C in schema). -
Parameters whose values are computed based on the above parameters.
It implies that hiera autolookups must be preferred over profiles parameters when possible (case A is preferred over case B in schema).
Profiles can only import the following types of parameters from hieradata:
Shared parameters, as defined in parameters types section.
Profiles parameters.
The profiles parameters must be prefixed by profiles::<profile>
is the name of the profile. A parameter can be imported by multiple
profiles classes sharing sharing a sub-class namespace. For example, the
and profiles::soft::client
classes can
share profile parameters because there are both in the profiles::soft
sub-class namespace. However, profiles::monitoring
and profiles::scheduler
cannot share profile parameters. If a parameter is shared by multiple profiles
classes, <profile>
must be replaced by the highest common sub-class
namespace. For example:
a parameter shared by
must be prefixed byprofiles::monitoring
. -
a parameter shared by
must be prefixed byprofiles::env::soft
When importing hash or array parameters from hiera, the profiles must set the
default value with an empty structure with the second argument of
functions. Ex:
hiera_hash('profile::soft::param', {})
Profiles cannot import parameters autolookup-ed by modules.
Profiles cannot define resources. The standard create_resource()
function and
stdlib ensure_resource()
function are just wrappers over resources
definitions. Therefore, they are also prohibited inside profiles classes.
7. Roles
As stated in the roles section of the software architecture
chapter, a role is a set of profiles. Puppet-HPC requires that this list of
profiles is an array in the profiles
parameter of the hieradata. It has to be
defined in the role level of the hieradata in order to be
different from one role to another.
This a requirement in Puppet-HPC because hpclib module functions extracts roles and profiles definitions from the hieradata.
As explained in the project genericity goals, the roles are specific to each cluster. Owing to this charateristic, the role level of the hieradata must stay as small as possible to avoid duplications of parameters from one cluster to another. Ideally, it should only contain the profiles array. In particular, settings that are closely coupled to the general architecture of Scibian HPC clusters or settings that be directly be deduced from other parameters must not be defined in this level of the hieradata.
8. Advanced processing
For the sake of consistency and coherency, it is sometimes relevant to define advanced data structures in the hieradata (ex: networks settings) irrespectively of modules expectations. These data structures have to be processed then by some logic to generate other runtime temporary data structures ready to be consumed by modules.
There two ways to process data extracted from hieradata in Puppet:
Facts have the advantage of being usable directly in the hieradata, quite the opposite of Puppet parser functions. But facts are processed unconditionally, it is therefore important to keep them consistent and light. In Puppet-HPC, facts are considered relevant for very generic parameters used in many places across the hieradata. For other processing, typically for generating resources hash definitions, Puppet parser functions are largely preferred.
9. Git repository
All Puppet-HPC developments must happen in master branch. There are other branches for dedicated purpose:
The gh-pages branch for publishing the documentation on GitHub,
The calibre/* branches for Debian/Scibian packages maintenance.
All other branches are temporary development branches and should be removed regularly.
Merge commits (ie. commits with two parents) are forbidden in the master branch. Commits must be re-based on remote HEAD before being pushed.
The commit messages must follow the Git official documentation commit guidelines.
In a few words:
First line summary length must be under 50 chars.
Unless really obvious, there should be a long summary (separated by a blank line with first line) with a detailled description wrapped to 72 chars. This long summary should focus on what and why instead of how. The how must be wisely explained in codes comments or in documentation.
Only one logical changeset per commit.
git diff --check
error free, notably with trailing white spaces.
The commit messages must be written in English.
The short summary must follow this format:
<prefix>: <summary>
Where <prefix>
depends on commit modification target:
for modifications in thedoc/
directory. -
for modifications in theexamples/
directory. -
for modifications in thehieradata/
directory. -
, where<profile>
is the top profile name, for modifications on profiles. -
, where<module>
is the name of the module, for modifications on a module.
For example, for modifications on:
, the prefix isprof:foo
, -
, the prefix isprof:base
, -
, the prefix ismod:simple
public class
, the prefix ismod:complex
This implies that a commit should modify only one type of content: one module, profiles sharing the same hierarchy, hieradata, documentation, and so on. Exceptions to this rule can happen but must be reserved to very specific corner cases (ex: large refactoring) and must be done wisely.
10. Debugging
10.1. Static analysis
Puppet-HPC provides a script validate.sh
to check both the syntax and the code
style of the modules. To check the syntax, run the following command:
$ puppet-config/validate.sh --syntax
The script must print Syntax OK
for all files, otherwise errors must be fixed.
To check the code style, run the following command:
$ puppet-config/validate.sh --lint
The script must not print any ERROR
, otherwise they must be
The script can eventually take a module name in parameter to restrict the check on this module.
Internally , the script actually runs the puppet-lint
command. The command can
also be ran manually using the following additional parameters:
: the configuration does not support puppet < 3.0, so this check is ignored -
: the limit in the style guide is 140 characters, butpuppet-lint
in Debian Jessie is not up to date.
10.2. Scripts
10.3. Unit tests
11. Documentation
11.1. Module
Each module must be accompanied by a README.md
file located at the root
directory of the module. This file must be formatted in
markdown markup language. The content of
this file must respect the official
Puppet modules
documentation specifications in terms of content and format, except for the
Reference section. This section is replaced by inline manifest documentation
using Puppet strings format.
11.2. Profiles
All profiles must be documented inline using Puppet strings format as well. In
the heading comments of each profile manifests, there must be a Hiera
which contains the list of expected hieradata parameters along with their
description, types and optionally examples of values.